Anuga FoodTec 2022 Edelstahl Weimar

Looking for a platform?

Meet us in Cologne until Friday!

This week we are an exhibitor at the Anuga Foodtec trade fair in Cologne and present our stainless steel platforms and machine platforms. After two years of mostly digital meetings with clients, it’s nice to be able to have some in-person conversations again! In the first two days of the fair, we had some really interesting discussions, gained new perspectives and a lot of positive feedback regarding our specialized offer.

Stainless steel platforms are required for most larger plants in the food and beverage industry, but plant and machine construction experts want to concentrate on their core product. This is where we come in! We are specialized in this product and offer competent advice, design and static calculation, short delivery times and of course premium quality in stainless steel.

Visit us until Friday at booth G81 in hall 10.1!

Connect with us on social media!

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